The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128721   Message #2890343
Posted By: Riginslinger
19-Apr-10 - 10:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Replacing Justice Stevens (US Supreme Court)
Subject: RE: BS: Replacing Stevens (US Supreme Court)
I wonder if it depends on the issue. Leaving the law out of it--I know you can't, but just for the sake of argument--if I were a Supreme Court justice I would rule on the following issues this way:

1. Abortion--A good idea. I'm all for it.
2. The environment--Another good idea. Save everything we can.
3. Immigration--get the illegals out of here. The last thing the
                     environment needs is more people.
4. Evolution--Yes. It's the only thing that makes sense.
5. Affirmative Action. Get rid of it. It never caused even a minor inconvenience for rich white males, but it's destroyed more poor white males than it has ever helped any minorities.

                  The list is endless!