The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128867   Message #2890443
Posted By: Banjiman
20-Apr-10 - 03:50 AM
Thread Name: Success in the Folk World?????
Subject: RE: Success in the Folk World?????
"Isn't success in the folk world, or any creative world for that matter, enjoying doing something and knowing that your audience is enjoying it just as much as you are - or have I missed something?"

Of course that is one measure of succes Jim.

..... would you have expected your mate Ewan to do it for nothing though?

"Fame and financial success is only one measure of success and, by and large, a shallow one at that. How many so-called celebrities have unsatisfactory private lives? I remember that the equivalent of the celebrity magazines when I was younger used to refer to such people as "starlets". A wonderful piece of damning with faint praise. As my wife put it, one step away from prostitute."

.....are you suggesting that this applies to those who are succesful (i.e. make a living) in the folk world Tootler?