The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128156   Message #2890873
Posted By: Royston
20-Apr-10 - 05:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
Subject: RE: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
@MG. If you haven't heard Ache say that homsexuality=paedophilia then you haven't been paying attention. He keeps repeating minor variations on the theme of (several times in this thread alone)

"homosexuals do not have the constraints to their sexual behaviour that generally come with producing and rearing a family ....I say again they have thrown away the rule book."

Which is a blanket assertion that all homosexuals (not some, or a few, or one) are unconstrained sexual criminals (in this context). In other discussions he says that "they all" can't or don't want to form relationships and are leading sad, empty lives. To mention but a few of his inane mumblings.

You may find it hard to believe that paedophiles - when they act as such - are not acting out any form of adult (homo or hetero) sexual behaviour. That does not make the assertion inaccurate.

Ed.T's link to that piece at University of California seems to explain that very distinction. You might do well to read it - carefully.