The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128156   Message #2891860
Posted By: akenaton
22-Apr-10 - 03:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
Subject: RE: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
Yes Joe, I take your point, but Herek has dedicated himself to a lifeswork in the defence of "homosexual rights" seemingly to the exclusion of every other facet of human behaviour.

This would seem to make him more of an "obsessive" than Jim imagines me to be.

I would maintain that to be involved in the defence of these "rights" issues to the extent that Herek is,(basically a powerful activist), makes complete impartiality impossible.

I particularly dislike Herek's habit of, when he encounters a problem to his hypothesis, he simply calls it something else; for example the sexual abuse of teenage boys and youths that we see in the clerical cases, should be rebranded as "male on male molestation" giving the mistaken impression(in my view) that heteros and homos sexually assault young males in equal proportion.

It is surely obvious that the large percentage numbers of homos in the priesthood, has a relation to the large number of boys and youths being assaulted?