The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128156   Message #2891868
Posted By: Jim Carroll
22-Apr-10 - 04:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
Subject: RE: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
"I am not about to suspend reality....."
This is your 'reality.
"Jim cited the case of a father who raped his son and daughter, but I am sure this creature must have been severely psychologically disturbed, or affected by drug or alchohol dependancy."
Where is the 'reality' of your statement here; what evidence has come out of the ongoing trial that your surmisings have any basis in reality and are not part of your ongoing and very sick obsession with legally accepted homosexuality? Can you cite any evidence whatever that has emerged so far to back up your statement? Have you been following the case; do you know anything about it whatever?
The crimes committed against the two children, son and daughter, were classic cases of paedophila, as were those against the victims of the church. Paedophilia is, by definition, "Sexual attraction by adults, usually men, of children of either sex. This is EXACTLY what has happened in the case being tried at the present time and it is EXACTLY what happened in ALL the cases of clerical abuse, yet, despite all the evidence to the contrary, you make the totally unsubstantiated and outrageous claim that "the instances of paedophilia by clergy are quite rare". Where is your 'reality' there, where is the evidence for this? The crimes committed by the clergy have nothing whatever to do with homosexuality. In the highly unlikely circumstance of them coming to trial, they will be tried for paedophilic rape and/or assault.
Paedophilia is a fully established and recognised condition in it's own right, and, despite your ourageous claim to the contrary, there is a long list of outstanding cases awaiting examination of female children who have been, or have claim to have been raped by clergymen.
Reality my arse!
As far as I am concerned, your constant attempts to sideline the discussion to further your own particular kink is tantamount to re-abusing all the abuse victims. I wonder what the feller who you described thus; "if Jesus was alive today I'd be his friend" (unmarried, no children, just one possible girlfriend) would have had to say about that - I believe he had strong opinions on the abuse of children.
Is not depicting members of this thread going about their legal NORMAL business, as disease spreading perverts, making personal attacks on Mudcat members - in this case, people who are not even involved in this particular discussion.
Jim Carroll