The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128156   Message #2892347
Posted By: Ed T
22-Apr-10 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
Subject: RE: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
I dont know Ake...I dont know his purpose or conviction. He seems well read...though often mixes up apples and oranges and cherry picks research/ my view. But, that's ok with me.I suspect he is a nice reasonable fellow in real life, and someone that anyone...even a gay fellow could have a beer with. I doubt that he is a demon, nor the borg.

To me he has stimulated debate..made it a bit more interesting and unlikely the thread will die. His posts have stimulated me to look up more stuff and learn new stuff, and even change my views on some things...because of the research and viewpoints I read , not his posted stuff. After all, someone has to take the right or oposing position, if for no other purpose but to move the center forward a bit and make it interesting:)

I suspect some gays would be more offended if Ake stated he agreed with them, rather than being on an opposing position. I dont't recall that he was disrespectful to other posters...though his posted material may be challenging to some.

Personally< I don't see the fuss. I may differ in that view if I were gay...but, I am not...and no gay person has come forward to express concern (that I know of).

This is not a testimonial nor an endorsement, but just my reflection.