The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128156   Message #2892376
Posted By: Ed T
22-Apr-10 - 07:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
Subject: RE: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
I recall one of Johnny Cash's last interviews. When asked about his former alcahol problems he said something like "I don't drink, but I am in a constant lifelong battle with demons inside me, and the main one is alcohol"

Because of social prejudices when and the society I grew up in, I have subconcious demons inside me that I fight each is prejudice against gays I learned as a child. And, I suspect many of us fight this same demon...and some better than others.

My logical side tells me that there is no rational for such subconcious beliefs. But, at times I catch them coming out.I work real hard to extend the same friendship, fellowship and benefit of the doubt to gays that I automatically give to others...but, I have to work at it. No matter how much logic I use or articles that I read, gay people that I meet...I have to be on guard not to let this subconcious belief, that was locked into my subconsciouis at childhood...( I suspect like prejudices with other minorities, that I do not seem to have) that's real hard to erase....But, like with Johnny Cash, that demon can be kept at bay. So can I say I act in a non prejudice way in life...yes, I can. But, unfortunately I cannot say I am without prejudice...though I go out of my way to get to know gays in my community and let them know they are welcome.

So, I try real hard to take in what I read, and what people say to learn, to be logical, to be reasonable and fair and even harder to carefully balance what may be true about some and even amany gays with logic and keeping that prejudice demon at Bay.

And, I know it is not logical, as I have nothing to fear from gays...or even the worst case scenario related to any aspect related to homosexuals.
So, when it comes to Ake (and, I have not read many of his posts outside this thread topic)...I suspect he also has nothing to fear...but, it may just be that old subconcious childhood demon that raises its ugly head now and then...It can get the best of anuone.

Anyway...sorry to so off on a thread drift...but, I personally needed to say that.