The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128878   Message #2893176
Posted By: Bobert
23-Apr-10 - 10:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Democratic Party Terrorist Organization?
Subject: RE: BS: Democratic Party Terrorist Organization?
TARP??? Wasn't that Bush's???

But nevermind that... Yeah, I am concerned when Obama goes to Wall Street to supposedly read them the riot act and the next day the stocks go up???

For those of you you have been callin' Obmaa a "liberal" or "socialist", ahhhhhh, seems that those labels might have been premature...

Right now, he's very much a Nixon Republican... If that's liberal or socialist then so be it... No leftie here... Okay, he does write leftie and shoots baskettball with his left hand... That's about a far left as the guy is...
