The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127097   Message #2893997
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
25-Apr-10 - 11:27 AM
Thread Name: crayford arms bash 24 April 2010 from noon to ??
Subject: RE: crayford arms bash 24 April 2010 from noon to ??
I had a marvellous time, arriving about an hour early due to the vagaries of bus travel.

So I was about three pints up on everybody else in the falling down stakes.

The beer is excellent, the food addictive, the welcome sensational, and the landlady, apart from being a vey nice lady (stop blushing Sharon), wants us there.

Now that I'll be mobile again, I'll be dropping in for a chat with Sharon in the next fortnight, to see about organising not only more Saturday Sessions (I think, on a regular basis, Saturday allows more recovery time than Sunday, as well as better transport), possibly about every two months, but also a regular Folk (yes I did say "Folk" RB) Club, monthly.

I would be grateful for any help I can get in timing these to avoid festivals and similar sessions. It will help to know up front which weekends are a no-no.

For the Folk Club, I thought Thursday might be a good choice. Small steps, I think, maybe third Thursdays, and if the response warrants it we can always increase to two (first and third).

I'm prepared to put in the time (I've got lots of that), but I'd like to use the first club night to find out exactly what the attenders would like it to be.

Anyone who would like to be involved in th organising, just let me know.

That's all, I've waffled enough, but I'm a bit fed up with being retired from organising a club.

Don T.