The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126570   Message #2894372
Posted By: Severn
26-Apr-10 - 12:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2010
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2010
I will be going back into Johns Hopkins Baltimore Bayview burn center on May 3rd for 5-10 days while they do skin grafte and a Z-Plasty to restore, hopefully, full range of motion to my left arm and shoulder. I'll have to work through therapy to stretch out the muscles, but I'll have more skin room to do it in, which should make it a much easier task. The say I will have to wear a removable arm brace (taken off for driving, bathing etc.) full time for 6 weeks afterwards and only at night the next six weeks. I'll be operated on my Dr. Milner, who was responsable for some of the original skin graft work done on me. He did a good job then, and I trust him.

I was originally supposed to go in on the %th, which would have made for a round of "Cinco de Mayo Clinic" jokes, but now we'll have to hold the Mayo instead, at least until I've mustard enough strength to ketchup with things, something I don't especially relish.

Wish me luck!