The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128878   Message #2894374
Posted By: mousethief
26-Apr-10 - 12:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Democratic Party Terrorist Organization?
Subject: RE: BS: Democratic Party Terrorist Organization?
Legislation is not based on opinion polls. We are not a direct democracy but a representative democracy. We hire representatives, who then make the laws. If they are legislating against the wishes of their constituents, the constituents' redress is to vote them out of office at the next election. That's how our representative democracy works. But there is nothing in the constitution that requires the representatives to poll their constituents and determine what they want. Why even mention that if your point is that they're not acting democratically? It is a total red herring.

Sweetheart deals for states? This is new? This is newsworthy? This is something only the Democrats do? I agree it's not a good thing. But it's not a stick you can beat the Democrats with.

"Bribing" -- you mean compromise and bartering. Yes that's new too. Ho boy.

"Worthless" executive orders? You mean ones you disagree with, or ones that don't do anything? If the latter, who cares? What harm is done?

We'll see what November brings. Whatever it brings, determining the cause of it won't be as simplistic as you seem to think. Although no doubt we'll have exit polls spun mercilessly by both sides.

Now, just because I posted that, does not mean I'm anti either side or pro either side.

No, of course not. Who would think such a thing?

PS the Democrats have been shut down in the Senate virtually all year by do-nothing Republicans who are bent on nothing but jamming the machinery of Obama's presidency. Your choice of words is humorous.