The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129006   Message #2895100
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
27-Apr-10 - 04:14 AM
Thread Name: Fascists Close St George event?
Subject: RE: Fascists Close St George event?
A stand CAN be taken sucessfuly by co-operation between police and public but it does take some doing - and often a kick up the pants for the contabulary. A pub a couple of miles from us, The Rainscough Brew, (Used to be the Staff of Life - On Rainscough Brow) was featured on TV as being a centre of drug pushing and protection rackets in Salford. The police were shown up in a bad light and of course that spurred them into action - The place was cleaned up within weeks and stayed so for years.

It has been demolished since, but nothing to do with crime. Probably lack of custom seeing as it was only criminals used to drink there!

Morals? Well, one may be that not everyone wants their pubs cleaned up but if they do - Get the police on your side!
