The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129104   Message #2895298
Posted By: beardedbruce
27-Apr-10 - 11:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Past statements that come back...
Subject: BS: Past staements that come back...
From a post in 2004...

From: Bobert - PM
Date: 11 Sep 04 - 08:25 AM

Divide and conquer...

Ya' gotta keep 'um seperated...

As long as we have a winner take all system and horrible redisticking we will have partisanship and bullying by the fraternity in power. And when I say power, that's exactly what it is. Brute power. The problem with power is that it in itself is corrupting. If you have it then there's certainly no point in compromising...

Without compromise, partisanship can only get worse and worse and government be less about *governing* and more about *ruling*. No one likes to be ruled and thus: bitterness and partisanship...

My own opinion is that the current fraternity is the worst I've seen in my life time in taking no-compromise, we-won-so-kiss-our-asses partisanship to the highest levels imaginative which, of course,just brings on deeper partisanship...