The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128156   Message #2895791
Posted By: Ed T
28-Apr-10 - 05:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
Subject: RE: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
This is an interesting read from Does it contain an insight, or just a personal opinion?

"The results of the United States Catholic Bishops' 2004 study on clergy sexual abuse revealed that, while some clergy were involved in pedophilia or abusing pre-pubescent children, most clergy were guilty of "pederasty" which is homosexuals preying on young males or teenagers"

Is there such a study?

"A problem erupted among the clergy and religious of the eleventh century which was similar to the clergy sexual abuse which occurred in the Church today. Reports of rampant homosexual activity in churches and monasteries came to Peter Damian in his monastery at Fronte Avellana in the Diocese of Gubbio in central Italy. Peter Damian took pen in hand and wrote to Pope Leo IX warning that "a certain abominable and terribly shameful vice" has sprouted in the region and unless it is punished "there is certainly a danger that the sword of divine anger will be used savagely against it to the ruin of many."

Next Peter Damian discusses the case of "clerics or monks who are seducers of males." He is concerned that superiors are being too soft on clerics or monks who are guilty in any way of a sin of impurity with "youths or young boys."

A problem identified in the 11th centuary?
