The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129142   Message #2897061
Posted By: Ron Davies
29-Apr-10 - 11:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Buck Stops With Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Buck Stops With Obama
Hi Ebbie

The ban on whaling was an international one from the IWC, and Japan has been whaling illegally ever since it went into effect. Japan did not have to sign the agreement for it to become law, as it did.

I was complaining about the aerial shooting of wolves in Alaska thanks to that madwoman Palin. I could very cheerfully drop her from a great height, she deserves it.

I know that there are a lot of wolves in Alaska but that does not mean that idiots with guns can shoot them when ever they feel like it. I was not referring to Alaska when I talked about the captive breeding programs, and no the wolves were not treated as pets. They were very carefully reared to keep their fear of humans. Wolves have far more family instinct, bravery, and feeling for their own kind than we do, we ought to be modeling ourselves on them not killing them.

As for Ken Sleazy Salazar, America and its people deserve him, every other species and the environment don't. Do you know what this man has been up to? Or don't you care?

As for me as of today with the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Obama's ban on 'Crush' videos, I do not want to live here any more. I love Ron very much but I want no more to do with America. I have felt unwelcome since I first came here and I won't be sorry to leave. I only wish that someone would sit on you all.

America has been too insular for far too long; it has visions of grandeur which are laughable at best and down right dangerous at worst.

Judging by the response I have had from this one posting I can't for the life of me think why Ron spends his evenings and weekends wasting time on mud cat. I have always said to him why waste time on people who don't care, though some of you do.

You'll all be glad to know that I won't be back as you have proved once and for all that America and its people are barking. You are the most selfish race I have ever known. My rights, the individuals are all that matters here and to hell with the land you live on and every other species. It's out of control and you can't even see it.