The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5100   Message #28976
Posted By: John in Brisbane
22-May-98 - 12:47 AM
Thread Name: Rocky road to Dublin - mp3
Subject: RE: Rocky road to Dublin - mp3
And this:

What is MP3?

What is Layer 3 Audio (better known as MP3)?

MPEG layer 3 is an audio format that produces highly compressed files without sacrificing audio quality. Perceived frequency response and signal-to-noise ratio are retained. Without data reduction, digital audio signals typically consist of 16 bit samples recorded at a sampling rate more than twice the actual audio bandwidth (i.e. 44.1 kHz for Compact Disks). So you end up with more than 1400 kbit to represent just one second of stereo music in CD quality. By using MPEG audio coding, you may shrink down the original sound data from a CD by a ratio of 12 to 1, without losing sound quality. The compression ratio by itself makes the MP3 format ideal for copying songs to computer. The smaller file size also means that posts will be less likely to be dropped: a 1-part file is more likely to come through whole than a 12-part file. The disadvantages of MP3 compression are that lots of processor power is required to encode and play files, a sound-card is required (16-bit sound card recommended for PCs), and the player/encoder/decoder software is not in widespread use; although, it is being used more and more each day.

And it appears that you probably need a Pentium!

Regards John