The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129142   Message #2897664
Posted By: Ron Davies
30-Apr-10 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Buck Stops With Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Buck Stops With Obama
What absolute tosh and bollocks. Japan is not doing scientific-research at all. It has a huge whaling fleet that is catching whale after whale and processing the whale meat immediately. They have deep freeze and packing machines on board, they are whaling ships. They have not and will not allow anyone on board their ships to check exactly what they are doing with the whales. There are no scientific studies being done on these ships. It there were they would allow Greenpeace and the crew of the Sea Shepherd aboard to view what they are doing, or any government body from any country for that matter.

That has never happened though it has been asked for many times. Over and over again in fact. Their scientific research studies have been asked for but they have never produced anything other than what is already known about whales. They use the latest equipment to find the whale pods and go after them with canon harpoons. The meat is processed, frozen and packed and each ship comes back with a full load of whale meat. Japan has been doing this in full sight of everyone for over twenty years illegally, so where are the research papers for all these years?

Half of you think my post is a joke, or Ron posting, or funny, and that says it all to me. How dreadfully sad that such a high proportion of people only care about 'own-self', me, my rights. Why would you rather tear other people to pieces than face what people are doing in this country and around the world? Other nations are equally guilty as is Britain. The fault is with the human race not the countries they infest.

I am truly ashamed of the human race which hasn't come very far since it first appeared on earth. We could all be so very much better than we are and that includes me; and so very much further ahead in our understanding of everything. But it won't happen and we will keep repeating the same mistakes as we keep waring, and saying 'this is the war to end all wars', or this war will end terrorism, because it won't.

I started a post because I wanted to show Ron, just how worthless it is to post on Mudcat and how pointless. I have shown that in spades, as Ron likes to say. I have very little free time to do anything, so my time is much better spent trying to change what is going on in the world. If you do not speak out and put in the time to inform yourself and do something about these horrors nothing will ever change. Just as the Mudcat BS threads won't. I have seen nothing but the same old rubbish being dished up year after year for the last ten years. Instead of complaining do something constructive about this world, and stop slamming others for trying to make change for the better.

This life isn't a joke, and we only come by this way once for a brief time, so make every second count. If we don't all strive for that then yet again in four hundred years time the same things will be going on, and no doubt Mudcat BS will still be going over the same old stuff having learnt nothing on the way. The only thing that will change for certain is that the human race will have been responsible for the extinction of thousands of other species. Sad, desperately sad. And as you have all thoroughly depressed me I have no need to post here to prove a point again. And yes, I know that I said I wouldn't post again yesterday, but you make me so very angry and upset. Though some of you have been most kind, while others just don't understand and don't even want to try.

Thank you to all of you who were so kind and let me have my rant, I needed to vent. I cannot protest as I would like to in this country because I have no rights at all here. I never will have unless I become a citizen, or in my case gain duel citizenship. I work twelve hours a day five days a week, or more sometimes, looking after nine American children. I pay my taxes and I am married to an American. But I have no voice and no rights at all. Land of the Free, I think not.

To Amos, I always enjoy your posts and thank you for being so kind.

Lastly I do not have my lovely husband Ron beside me, (at the moment he is on his way home from work) so cannot help me be grammatically correct! So please forgive my mistakes and spelling, I'm only human after all.