The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129142   Message #2897702
Posted By: Ron Davies
30-Apr-10 - 09:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Buck Stops With Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Buck Stops With Obama
"Ron playing his usual tricks".   

Ah yes:   open mouth, insert foot.

Delightful--if only a bit too predictable from the poster in question

When there's no conspiracy theory yet, let's invent one.   No wonder the poster is so popular here--he fits just perfectly.

I insisted on Jan's telling you when she was posting.   Though it should have been obvious.

I use both my first and last name--always--and thereby stand behind every word I've ever said on Mudcat. When the dear poster in question starts using both his first and last name every time, we will be on an even footing as far as transparency of posting.

And who knows it might result in fewer falls into the gutter for him.   Or maybe not. We can but hope.