The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25001   Message #289797
Posted By: Ebbie
02-Sep-00 - 01:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: lost forever
Subject: RE: BS: lost forever
Art, that's priceless!

What I fear most is the needless losses caused by stupidity. The cry of Jobs First! is insane- first you find a place to live and Earth is our place to live. The same with the stupidity of reciting- as we did in the fifties- Better Dead than Red. What arrant nonsense. No one has the right to let others die because of one's own political belief- Strategic capitulation buys time- and in time the wheel will turn. If you have turned the earth into toxic cinders, there will never be time.

But I remain optimistic that we'll learn just enough as we go that we make progress in reclaiming and remedying these harmful things. There is real hope- if only we are able to reach and teach the young... Ebbie