The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129162   Message #2898052
Posted By: Stringsinger
01-May-10 - 12:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim veil ban in Belgium
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim veil ban in Belgium
As an American, I am a proponent of the Separation of Church and State. For this reason,
I see no reason for a religious expression to be completely banned. At the same time, I deplore the suppression of women for which it represents. The problem is when someone wears an article of clothing that represents a religious point of view in a public forum such as in a government function, this impinges on the Separation. I am opposed to this.

Still, we live in a country that ostensibly recognizes the right of anyone to believe whatever they like in a religious context as long as that belief doesn't affect the rights of others who don't. The burqua in the U.S. is and should remain an issue of choice as long as elected representatives in office don't wear it at official governmental public functions. I feel the same way about the ostentatious Christian crosses or yamulkes. Religion is and should be a private matter. Elected public officials are supposed to represent all of the people and not the few in a religious order. There is a place that is appropriate for such attire. Perhaps on the street or in markets but not at political or governmental functions.

The burqua to me represents a reprehensible imprisonment of women by religious edicts.

Still, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." If people want to wear a replica of an electric chair or a hangman's noose around their neck, it's their prerogative as long as it is not endorsed
by government in any way.