The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25016   Message #289865
Posted By: JulieF
02-Sep-00 - 09:13 AM
Thread Name: Charity Walk in Ireland
Subject: RE: Charity Walk in Ireland
Charities involved are Marie Curie Cancer, a cancer hospital in Dublin ( ST Vincint's I think), something for the eldery Irish community in Sheffield and there may be others. If anyone knows John just give him the money when he comes back. Otherwise if anyone wants to contribute send me a personal message and I'd sort it out. I'm not sure about the route. I'ma at work at the moment making sure that all our computers don't die during the enrolment sessions and Tim isn't answering his phone. I'd try and find out for later.

Roger - I don't think you will know me from the Dog and Partridge as I don't get out as often as I would like. You know the routine, Job, family and a house several miles outside Sheffield. The last time I was there was at the end of the Irish Festival when we organised a session. Still I should come down more often as Cat ( the daughter) says taht she is going to go to sessions after her GCSE year and she can't have us in the same pub as her - so it might prove to be out of bound in 11 months.
