The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129142   Message #2899700
Posted By: Ron Davies
04-May-10 - 07:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Buck Stops With Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Buck Stops With Obama
So all we have is sarcasm and other evasions.

Not surprising.

Her point is that every minute spent on Mudcat BS is wasted, and could be spent on actually improving the world.   Some of us may support each other on the consolation threads. And the music threads are worthwhile for the most part. But all the arguing that goes on in the BS threads is a classic waste of time.   Some of us spend an amazing amount of time doing it--right through the day.

I'm guilty too, of course.

But her point is unassailable.   Not surprising that few are willing to acknowledge it.

We are all very articulate, aware people--with impressive intellectual firepower--(no sarcasm, believe it or not). So arguing with each other instead of actually improving the world is a sad loss of an excellent opportunity to do something that makes a difference.

I'm sure some will say they improve the world when not on Mudcat.   But the arguing on Mudcat is the issue here.

That's the gist of what she said earlier--and it's blazingly true.