The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129172   Message #2900678
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
05-May-10 - 01:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Religious beliefs - no standing in law
Subject: RE: BS: Religious beliefs - no standing in law
""Don, as usual you make little or no sense. Let me try to simplify, the difference.

In the beginning, God (light, love, life, consciousness) created man, in His own image,... and ever since, man has been trying to return the favor.(Religion)

And you base that twaddle on a collection of books, written, refined, altered, and corrupted, over a period of two thousand years, by generations of men with widely differing agendas, but all with the desire to control the behaviour of populations, and governments, sometimes with good intentions, but very often not.

The old testament was a chronicle of what Hebrews believed to be their history. It was largely composed of stories which had been handed down orally for thousands of generations. Anyone who has played Chinese Whispers will know how reliable that is.

The New Testament, as I said, much corrupted, and even the basics were not laid down until about one hundred years after the death of Jesus.

I don't deny the existence of God, but I do have serious doubts about the ultimate Purity and Saintliness of many who profess to serve or represent Him.

If you dispute that, tell me which part of the bible covers Jesus suggesting anything remotely like the Spanish Inquisition?

I am a Christian because I believe in the basic tenets of the gospels, but Christianity, for me, is nothing to do with a place to which I go, once or twice a week, to ask God for favours I do not deserve.

It is how I live my whole life, every single day of it, and it is about how I treat my neighbour, not how I want to be treated by God.

So, GfS, being regarded as a limited thinker by one who is congenitally incapable of sustaining a consistent point of view for even five sentences is something of a compliment.

Don T.