The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129165   Message #2901413
Posted By: reggie miles
06-May-10 - 02:10 PM
Thread Name: NW Folklife threatens street performers (Seattle)
Subject: RE: NW Folklife threatens street performers
"Our guidelines have not changed—they are the same ones we have used for several years."

Just because they've gotten away with using them for "several years" doesn't make their "guidelines" legal in this country. In fact, some of their "guidelines" have been challenged in court and proven to be unconstitutional.

Because they have been breaking the law for "several years" they feel justified in continuing to do so!? There are a lot of corporate shenanigans that Wall Street has been using for "years" too. I suppose NW Folklife wants to tell us that those crooks had the right to bring millions to ruin as a result of their mismanagement. Or perhaps NW Folklife would like to defend Bernie Madoff's actions next. Because, after all, he used his tactics for "years" to rip off billions.

This is the very issue. These "guidelines" must change, in order to be in accordance with the law. On June 24th 2009, 8 out of 11 judges of the Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit have invalidated some of these "guidelines" and the NW Folklife Festival doesn't appear to believe that they have to comply with the Court's decisions on this matter. They are acting criminally by proposing that citizens of the United States have to follow their unconstitutional "guidelines". They are behaving criminally by refusing to recognize or obey the laws as described by the Court. They apparently don't feel as though they have to abide by the principles expressed in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

And the NW Folklife Festival wants to defend these actions, trashing our precious rights under the Constitution on Memorial Day weekend? It a slap in the face of every hero who bravely stepped forward to do his or her duty to defend this country and the principles it stands for. Their "guidelines" tread on the very fabric that makes this country great.