The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128093   Message #2903361
Posted By: GeoffLawes
09-May-10 - 07:06 PM
Thread Name: Songs in English about the Spanish Civil War

By Ian McLaren

"I've travelled far to join the fight.
Hiked across the Pyrenees, under dead of night.
My country's failed me, they had no right.
That's the reason here is where I lay my head tonight.

I'm only 20, my future bright.
But if I don't reach 21, I'll die knowing we were right.
My country's failed me, they had no right.
That's the reason here is where I lay my head tonight.

In this dark hole how do you think I feel?
The fear of death it haunts me as I hear my comrades squeal.
My country's failed me, they had no right.
That's the reason here is where I lay my head tonight.

I close my eyes and dream of better days.
And I wonder how these fascists justify their wicked ways.
So heads of state, unite in shame
And may your sleep be troubled by your role within this game.

My country's failed me, they had no right.
That's the reason here is where I lay my head tonight."

This song seems to have been written for a production presented at Perth Museum and Art Gallery on Thursday May 10th 2007 in honour of Perthshire's International Brigaders and was narrated by the historian Paul Phillipou.

I am trying to find out more information about the song but if anyone can add anything please do.

Regards, Geoff

From: GUEST,IanMcLaren - PM
Date: 20 May 10 - 03:05 PM

I am the writer of the song "Song for James Moir". It was written specially for the production "Not to a Fanfare of Trumpets" and was my response to reading the script of the production and trying to get inside the mind of the young volunteer James Moir. The song has since been performed at numerous fundraising events with guitar and harmonica accompaniment. The lyrics attempt to voice the frustration felt at the UK Government's non-interventionist stance and highlight how to this day heads of state can abdicate responsibility when it suits them to do so. I have not as yet recorded the song as it is a markedly different style to that which I usually write for my band Wang Dang Delta.