The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129399   Message #2904236
Posted By: Janie
10-May-10 - 11:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Where are my reading glasses?
Subject: RE: BS: Where are my reading glasses?
Yeh op, mine live on an unattractive but very utilitarian cord around my neck.

Back before I lost my trifocals and my vision insurance, I really liked the croakies for gardening and outdoor stuff like hiking and kayaking as they kept the glasses on my face, but I find them too short for all the taking off and putting on required by the drugstore glasses. The beaded cords are too long and get tangled up in the handles of shovels and garden forks too readily. The braided nylon cords are a more utilitarian length for folks like me who ought to be wearing multifocal lenses, but don't.