The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103135   Message #2904262
Posted By: LadyJean
11-May-10 - 01:07 AM
Thread Name: Fraternity & Sorority Chants and Songs
Subject: RE: Fraternity & Sorority Chants and Songs
I started Transylvania College in 1973. Campus life revolved around Greek life. If you weren't Greek chances are you were spending Saturday nights in your dorm room.
I went out for rush, and lasted all of two weeks. But I picked up a song or two.

Tune; The Old Gray Mare
We dig great big UH hairy chested men!
Uh! hairy chested men!
UH! hairy chested men!
We dig great big UH! hairy chested men!
We are the sweet Chi O
WE are the sweet Chi O!
We are the sweet Chi O
We dig great big UH hairy chested men, we are the sweet Chi Oh

We drink scotch and rye with the best of them,
wine with the rest of them,
beer with the Transy boys.
We dig great big UH! hairy chested men.
We are the sweet Chi O.

The Phi Mus sang Souers Fideles. (French for Faithful Sisters, and I've probably mispelled the French for sisters.) Those are the words, Souers Fideles sung over and over and over to the tune of "Eidelweiss". To sing it properly, the words should be pronounces "surf eedell". I think one of the reasons I washed out of rush was that I thought it was funny.

Then there was the kind of tuneless chant,
Oh the Deltas! The Deltas! The Delta Delta Deltas!
They're the Coolest, they're the sweetest they're the classiest!
They're full of vim! They're full of strength! They're full of pep!
(The Transy Deltas were a bunch of stuck up, skinny bitches, but never mind.)