The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5232   Message #2906588
Posted By: Artful Codger
14-May-10 - 04:03 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Calico Printer's Clerk
Here's a polyphonic transcription of the music in ABC. I've only done the intro, first verse, chorus and bridge, since the remainder consists of repetitions of the verse section, slightly modified to accommodate different words.

This ABC can be pasted into's ABC Convert-A-Matic to generate a PDF score (thought the extended features I use defeat their MIDI converter). I've sent a MIDI to Joe Offer, who will post it here shortly. I generated the MIDI using Barfly.

If desired, I can post a melody-only ABC transcription, which should be usable with more programs.

T:The Calico Printer's Clerk
T:or, "She was very fond of dancing"
C:Written by Harry Clifton, 1865.
C:Composed by Charles Coote, Jun.
Q:2/8=120 " Moderato"
V:V1 treble program 1 73         % Voice
V:P1 treble program 1 1          % Piano, upper
V:P2 bass m=d t=-24 program 1 1 % Piano, lower
%%MIDI program V1 73
%%MIDI program P1 1
%%MIDI program P2 1
%%MIDI gchordoff
% Piano intro
%%score {P1|P2}
[V:V1] z|z6|z6|z6|z6|
[V:P1] (c/d/) | "A"(e2c')(b2a) | "Bm"(b2f)(b2a) | "E7"(g2d)(g2f) | "A"e3-e z(c/d/) |
[V:P2] z | A[eac'][eac'] A[eac'][eac'] | d[fb][fb] d[fb][fb] | \
e[gbd'][gbd'] e[gbd'][gbd'] | A[eac'][eac'] A[eac'][eac'] |
[V:V1] z6|z6|z6|z5||
[V:P1] (e2c')(b2a) | "Bm"(b2f)(b2a) | "E7"(g^^fg)c'2b | "A"a3-a2 ||
%   Last note of measure 2 corrected from "g" to "a", as everywhere else.
[V:P2] A[eac'][eac'] A[eac'][eac'] | d[fb][fb] d[fb][fb] |\
e[gbd'][gbd'] e[gbd'][gbd'] | a[c'e'][c'e'] a2 ||
% Verses
%%score V1 {P1|P2}
[V:V1] (C/D/) | "A"E2cB2A | "Bm"BF2(B2A) | "E7"G2DG2F | "A"E3-E z C/ D/ |
w: 1.~In* Man-ches-ter that ci-ty Of_ Cot-ton, Twist, and Twills_ Liv'd the
w: 2.~At a pri-vate ball I met her In_ eigh-teen six-ty- three._ I*
[V:P1] z | z[E,A,C][E,A,C]z[E,A,C][E,A,C] | z[F,B,D][F,B,D]z[F,B,D][F,B,D] | \
z[E,G,B,D][E,G,B,D]z[E,G,B,D][E,G,B,D] | z[E,A,C][E,A,C]z[E,A,C][E,A,C] |
[V:P2] z | A3 A3 | D3 D3 | E3 E3 | A3 A3 |
[V:V1] E2cB2A | "Bm"BF2B2A | "E"(G^^F) G c2B | "A"A3-A z A/ A/ |
w: sub-ject of my dit-ty, And the cause* of all my ills._ She was
w: ne-ver can for-get her, Tho' she was* un-kind to me._ I was
[V:P1] z[E,A,C][E,A,C]z[E,A,C][E,A,C] | z[F,B,D][F,B,D]z[F,B,D][F,B,D] | \
z[E,G,D][E,G,D]z[E,G,D][E,G,D] | z[E,A,C][E,A,C]z[E,A,C][E,A,C] |
[V:P2] A3 A3 | d3 D3 | E3 E3 | A3 A3 |
[V:V1] "D"d2d "E7"c2^B | "A"(cA2)z2A | "Bm"(B B) F "E7"G2F | "A"E3-E2 A |
w: hand-some, young and twen-ty, Her eyes* were a-zure blue._ Ad-
w: dress'd in Pink of Fa-shion, My la-ven-der gloves were new._ I
[V:P1] z[A,DF][A,DF] z[B,DG][B,DG] | z[CEA][CEA]z[CEA][CEA] | \
z[DFB][DFB] z[B,DG][B,DG] | z[A,CE][A,CE]z[A,CE][A,CE] |
[V:P2] (d3 e3 | a3) A3 | d3 e3 | a3 a3 |
[V:V1] "D"d2d "E7"c2B | "A"cc3 z A/ A/ | "B7"B2B ^d d d | "E"e3-e2 H||
w: mi-rers she had plen-ty, And her name was Do-ro-thy Drew._
w: danc'd the Valse Cir-cas-sion. With* char-ming Do-ro-thy Drew._
[V:P1] z[A,DF][A,DF] z[B,DG][B,DG] | z[CEA][CEA] z[CEA][CEA] | \
z[B,^DA][B,DA] z[B,DA][B,DA] | z[B,EG][B,EG] [B,2E2G2] H||
[V:P2] d3 e3 | a3 A3 | B3 B3 | e3-e2 H||
% Chorus
[V:V1] "^Chorus." C/ D/ |: "A"E2cB2A | "Bm"B2FB2A | "E"G2DG2F | "A"E3-Ez (C/D/) |
w: She was ve-ry fond of dan-cing, But al-low me to re-mark_ That*
[V:P1] (c/d/) |: (e2c')(b2a) | (b2f)(b2a) | (g2d)g2f | e3-e z(c/d/) |
[V:P2] z |: A[eac'][eac'] A[eac'][eac'] | d[fb][fb] d[fb][fb] | \
e[gbd'][gbd'] e[gbd'][gbd'] | A[eac'][eac'] A[eac'][eac'] |
[V:V1] E2cB2A | "Bm"B2F B B A | "E"G ^^F G c2B | "A"A3-A2 [1 C/ D/ :|
w: one fine day she danc'd a-way With the Ca-li-co Prin-ter's Clerk._ She was
[V:P1] (e2c')(b2a) | (b2f)(b2a) | g(^^fg)c'2b | a3-a2 [1 (c/d/) :|
[V:P2] A[eac'][eac'] A[eac'][eac'] | d[fb][fb] d[fb][fb] | \
e[gbd'][gbd'] e[gbd'][gbd'] | a[c'e'][c'e'] a2 [1 z :|
% Piano break
%%score {P1|P2}
[V:V1] [2 z|z6|z6|z6|z6|]
[V:P1] [2 c/d/ |"A"(e2c')(b2a) | "Bm"(b2f)(b2a) | "E"(g^^fg)c'2b | "A"a3-a2 z |]
[V:P2] [2 z| A[eac'][eac'] A[eac'][eac'] | d[fb][fb] d[fb][fb] | \
e[gbd'][gbd'] e[gbd'][gbd'] | (a[c'e'])[c'e'] a2 z |]

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