The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129172   Message #2906689
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
14-May-10 - 07:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Religious beliefs - no standing in law
Subject: RE: BS: Religious beliefs - no standing in law
Mousethief reckons things can exist without us seeing them.


I have every faith in the fact Tokyo exists yet I haven't ever seen it. So does it? After all, there is more documentary assertions that God exists than there is Tokyo, yet I know Tokyo does and I know God is a human abstraction designed to fill in the gaps of knowledge and useful as a tool of subjugation.

If things can exist without us experiencing them, then god is as tangible as Tokyo. If you have experienced either, you are either well travelled or schizophrenic.

Just out of interest, this thread ventured into quantum mechanics earlier. Heisenberg shows that nothing at all exists unless and until it affects us. Interesting, as that means when I can't buy a washer for a leaking tap on a Sunday, it is proof that god exists after all...

Oh shit...

Nice God, get down boy. there, there, who's a frisky little god then eh? Do you want to go walkies???