The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24894   Message #290695
Posted By: Jeri
04-Sep-00 - 09:45 AM
Thread Name: Orange song sound files on line
This happens a lot. We respond to invisible things like someone's personality or intended motives, and not what was said. It's a pretty effective troll who can get this many replies by simply posting a link. If he was trolling, he won. Conrad is human, and has the capability of doing both good and bad things. We seem to encourage the bad. He has posted an enormous number of Newcastle songs with no reply. He does nothing more than post a link to a site with Orange songs, and it winds up being a monster thread with people jumping to beat the shit out of him.

I disagree strongly with most of the ideas he's expressed elsewhere and his methods of arguing, but I'll leave the fight to those who don't mind debating with someone who doesn't feel a need to use logic or truth. But this thread? Conrad didn't start this mess.

Spaw, the "defense" of Conrad seems more aimed at keeping the rest of us from turning into an internet lynch mob. You're right - he's not going to change. Are we? The nastiness we see in him seems to call forth the nastiness in us, and we feed off of that. It isn't a diet I care for.