The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129490   Message #2907218
Posted By: catspaw49
14-May-10 - 08:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Car problem - any mechanics out there?
Subject: RE: BS: Car problem - any mechanics out there?
Go see a qualified shop with the right diagnostic tools and the training and know-how to use them.

While Bobertz may be right, let me help out to explain........On computer F.I. it very well might be a cold start valve but guess what? It could also be a baro sensor, crank position sensor, MAF sensor, or the ECM itself. Too many possibilities and far too expensive parts to simply throw parts at the problem.

I also sold test equipment for Sun Electric Corporation, one of the first and best manufacturers of oscilloscope testing equipment and even in Kendall's "good old days" it was best to "test, don't guess." I routinely saw coils that would "bite" you but would not reliably run the engine. BTW.....a coil for that car retails at about 75 or so and can be bought for less than 50 plus labor to change it.

Look around for a good independent shop and avoid dealers like the plague.
