The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129490   Message #2907260
Posted By: Phot
14-May-10 - 09:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Car problem - any mechanics out there?
Subject: RE: BS: Car problem - any mechanics out there?
Sorry, just re-read your inital post. Doing such short trips will not allow the engine to reach its proper working temprature, and will be running rich all of the time (If it had carbs you would have the choke on), hence after a good run up the freeway, or main roads, the engine gets up to normal working temprature and starts without problem, also once the engine is warm, give it a damm good blast! Take it almost up to the red line on the rev counter every once in a while, modern engines are designed to rev, so don't be afaid to try a little bit of lead foot now and again! (I do not condone breaking the speed limit, but there's no law against acceleration! In the UK!).

Wassail!! Chris