The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129399   Message #2907920
Posted By: Bat Goddess
16-May-10 - 06:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Where are my reading glasses?
Subject: RE: BS: Where are my reading glasses?
I wear contacts -- RGPs (and I really like them and see no reason to change) -- so they only correct my distance vision, so I've got readers on my head, in my purse, in the car, in every room of the house. At work, because of computer and paperwork, I trained myself to perch them on the tip of my nose, so I'm constantly explaining to customers (I'm an optical technician) that that's NOT the proper way to wear glasses.

If I don't have my contacts in, I can see to read and use the computer just fine -- so my backup glasses (which I almost never wear) are single vision.

Jeri usually borrows my readers when we're together although she triumphantly showed me a great pair she had with her...once. ;-)

I hate to pay more than four bucks a pair -- Goodwill usually has brand new ones, Big Lots, Dollar Store, etcet etcet.
