The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125222   Message #2908626
Posted By: Haruo
17-May-10 - 02:01 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: www.jesus (Whateverly Brothers)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: www.jesus (Whateverly Brothers)
May we use it in church? I think a set of the three (Turn Your Radio On, Internet to Glory, and www.jesus) would go well in our hymn-sing. (I think "The Royal Telephone" itself is just a little too outdated, technologically, for our crowd. Folks don't remember what "Central" was. But the tune is great and your text is quite usable as long as the theology is corrected by www.jesus. Compuserve is passé, but many still remember it and those who don't will think they should.)

One gripe though: please stop using links to and use the correct current location of the true Cyber Hymnal™. replaces
The Cyber Hymnal's old ISP ran off with the domain name and has added all kinds of unfriendly ads and whatnot. The original developer, who owns the trademark Cyber Hymnal™ but sadly didn't own the domain name, had to move the material to and that is where fresh material is being posted. The folks who stole the domain name unfortunately have priority at Google so their business did not dry up, but anyone who knows what happened should be boycotting them and booing and hissing them publicly. It should have been a crime. It was a sin. They should not get away with it. If you have a website that has hymn links to the Cyber Hymnal, make sure you update the URLs.

So use this link: Royal Telephone.

Thanks for letting me vent.
