The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21309   Message #2909052
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
18-May-10 - 05:15 AM
Thread Name: Seeking your Witty Stage Patter!
Subject: RE: Seeking your Witty Stage Patter!
And rather the artist shut the heckler up with a few choice words than another audience member do it with a belt in the gob.

Or the artist belt someone in the gob! A good friend of our club many years back was a big bloke - Not fat just tall and well proportioned. He used to sing lovely quiet ballads - James Taylors 'Sweet baby James' was a favourite. One night a drunken bloke was standing in the doorway yelling throughout every song 'Give us such-and-such', 'Do you know blahblah' etc. Our singer finished one of his lovely quiet songs. Laid his guitar down, smiled and walked over to the heckler. Shaking the drunkards hand he very gently said 'Fuck off or I will deck you.'

It worked:-)
