The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51212   Message #2909086
Posted By: GUEST, Sminky
18-May-10 - 06:56 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Songs by Harry Clifton (1832-1872)
Subject: RE: Help: Harry Clifton Songwriter
"St Jude's, Dublin

Mr Harry Clifton, the celebrated comic vocalist, introduces his new songs (local, social, jovial, critical, and political), among others 'The Galway Lever line', 'Out for the night' and 'Dublin Rhymes', etc, etc"

Freeman's Journal, Dublin, Feb 12 1859

"Mr Harry Clifton was clever as usual, and in his 'Rhymes on the Times; or, Edinburgh in 1863' made a humerous allusion to Councillor McNish and his "difficulties", which provoked a good deal of laughter at that gentleman's expense; but we admire him far less in these and other "sensation" songs than in his Irish ballads, such as 'The Ould Grey Mare' and the 'Wedding at Ballypoorreen', the last of which he gave in answer to an encore, and which contains more of real humour, and, we may add, of real music than all his impersonations of 'Old Bob Ridley's' and 'Perfect Cure' put together."

Caledonian Mercury, Edinburgh, Feb 16 1863