The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129528   Message #2909503
Posted By: Gutcher
18-May-10 - 06:25 PM
Thread Name: Lyr/Chords Req: Carmichael Mill (Robin Laing)
Subject: RE: Lyr & Chords Req; Carmichael Mill
G.B. The old traditonal song "CARNWATH MILL" was rewritten &
       issued in sheet music & a 78rpm record in 1946.
       Carnwath Mill & Carmichael Mill are only a few miles distant
       from each other.
       Could the song on your C.D. be another rewrite of this
       same song?

       Carnwath Mill

       And its fare ye weel tae Carnwath Mill
       and its fare ye weel ma dearie
       o its fare ye weel tae Carnwath Mill
       for its there for its there that a lost ma dearie.
       NOTE---mill is pronounced mull in the speak of the area.
