The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97099   Message #2909872
Posted By: Bat Goddess
19-May-10 - 09:28 AM
Thread Name: Damaged vocal Folds through Throat Clear
Subject: RE: Damaged vocal Folds through Throat Clear
I agree -- the main thing is to see an ENT who specializes in singers. In our experience, the others haven't a clue -- either to what constitutes a good singing voice (the radiologist Tom/Curmudgeon was referred to -- by the ENT who said his cancer was "early stage" -- admitted that what he would call a good voice we would probably call "crap"-- yes, that's his technical term) or to what a singing voice MEANS to a singer.

Tom is so fortunate to have Mass General Hospital, The Voice Center and Dr. Zeitels relatively close by -- they "get" it!
