The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97099   Message #2910103
Posted By: JHW
19-May-10 - 04:20 PM
Thread Name: Damaged vocal Folds through Throat Clear
Subject: RE: Damaged vocal Folds through Throat Clear
How do I find a Specialist (in the UK, preferably North East)?

I didn't sing for most of 2009 due to the threat of a cough hovering. (This cough only if I tried to sing or maybe a long phone call)
My GP/Regular Doc said maybe low thyroid, mine was found to be low, now fixed by pills for life.
Hospital specialist said maybe due to Blood Pressure medication though I'd long stopped that in case.
ENT guy actually seeing chords/folds with periscope said yes they were slightly inflamed, no other damage and put me on six weeks every day antacid medication though (as guest Margaret) I had no obvious heartburn problem. Six weeks on again he pronounced chords pristine so I sang albeit a bit cautiously Autumn/Winter 2009.
The incipient cough came back this (2010) Spring so I've largely given up going to folk clubs as I don't know whether I'll be able to sing or not and I absolutely daren't put anything in the diary for the future.
I do go each week to a singing teacher who insists that my voice is fine, which it is when it is but she'd be the first one to stop me singing if I had any hint of a cough.

John Wilson