The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #2910295
Posted By: LilyFestre
19-May-10 - 09:32 PM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: LilyFestre - Only one more chemo to go!!
Bitch break:

My mouth tastes horrible. I haven't been able to eat much at all today. I had cereal for breakfast. Pete took me out to lunch and I had about 3 bites of chili, packed up the rest for home, ordered some rhubarb pie thinking the tart would be good. No flavor whatsoever. Met Mom for dinner. Fruit parfait. Two bites. Ew. Coffee. Ew. Water with lemon...made me sick to my stomach. Cereal at home, better.

Just sat through a LONG ( probably seemed like because I was barfy) support meeting...guest speaker about acupuncture who happened to mention AT THE END that no needles for acupuncture for those going through chemo. Dr. says no massage during chemo. I could have been at home barfing in peace. ARG.

Ok. I'm done bitching and I'm done being an asshole for today.

Tomorrow will be better.
