The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129425   Message #2911081
Posted By: Little Robyn
21-May-10 - 04:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: I'm going under the knife Thurs 13 May
Subject: RE: BS: I'm going under the knife Thurs 13 May
"How are you today, Robyn? Sometimes the weariness takes a few days to hit.

It's been a week since the op.
The weariness has hit!
Today wasn't so good - I had bother sleeping last night and so got up early but then I started to feel cold so went back to bed for awhile.
Last night the 4 year old grandaughter was playing beside me. She lost her footing and fell against me, her little hand landed just above my cut and I saw stars for some time. We must be more careful.
So I've been taking things easy for a change. Back to the dozing and blobbing in front of the telly (in the bedroom).
Tomorrow will be better!
The Pink Pilates exercises should start next Thursday.
That should help.
Nite all,