The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126160   Message #2911804
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
22-May-10 - 01:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gardening 2010
Subject: RE: BS: Gardening 2010
I took a large syringe (purchased at my feed store) with a few CCs of water and Thuricide (Bacillus thuringensis) and injected it into my squash plant stems. As small as they are, a few leaves each, they are already rotting away because of the squash worm or borer or whatever. It's a moth larva, a caterpillar or worm, that gets inside and turns the stem to a pulpy yellow mess. Except BT injected into the stem stops them in their tracks and the plants can recover. I'll probably have to do this every week or so, to keep them alive. These worms are insidious--one day you have healthy plants, the next, you have a wilted heap of leaves.

Worms, be gone!

I transplanted several of the vitex seedlings sprouting in my garden, and pulled the rest like weeds. I also have a lot of tomato "weeds," plants that came back as volunteers. There must be hundreds of them out there. I'll transplant a few (I think they're cherry tomatoes, and I didn't buy any of those this year) and weed the rest. Odd predicament to be in, isn't it? Veggie weeds.