The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127384   Message #2911836
Posted By: GUEST,Robert Zuiker
22-May-10 - 04:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Some rape victims should take blame'- ??
Subject: RE: BS: 'Some rape victims should take blame'- ??
Joe, please explain something for me. Last year you stated that a "Guest" could not start a thread here under any circumstances. Yet I am currently posting on a thread started by a guest !

Yesterday you said "guest posts on this thread are not permitted and will be deleted". So what in fact you are saying is, No guest posts are permitted on a thread started by a guest which isn't allowed anyway because it can't be up here in the first place.

So if a guest starts a thread, you will delete it. Excellent idea Joe. And all guest posts on this thread will be deleted, Excellent idea Joe. So how am I posting as a guest on a thread started by a guest ?

Have you Irish blood by any chance Joe ?