The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129635   Message #2911883
Posted By: John MacKenzie
22-May-10 - 06:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Your Carbon Footprint---Who Cares?
Subject: RE: BS: Your Carbon Footprint---Who Cares?
We have a phenomenon in Scotland called 'Muirburn' this is when they burn off stretches of old heather, to encourage new growth, the shoots of which, grouse apparently enjoy eating.
Some years ago, farmers were prohibited from burning the stubble, left after harvest. This was on the grounds of atmospheric pollution [sic]
Burning stubble puts potash back into the ground, and aids fertility.
Shooting grouse is an elitist sport, and does nobody any good at all.
Guess who has the most money, and therefore influence, the toffs with their guns, or the farmers?
Another by product of the quest to blast wee birds out of the sky, is the deliberate poisoning of protected birds of prey, by gamekeepers. This is done to stop them taking the poor wee grouse, which can only be killed by toffs. who don't live there, as opposed to Hen Harriers and Red Kites, who do live there.
So obviously the carbon footprint of the rich doesn't count.