The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23186   Message #291246
Posted By: GUEST,KingBrilliant
05-Sep-00 - 05:48 AM
Thread Name: UK Gathering II
Subject: RE: UK Gathering II
I'm getting really excited - but now I have the hard bit of persuading Mark..... I'll start working on that right away. Should I try being really nice, or just wack straight in with the arm-twisting? I'll only bring the hound if I can't get her fed & watered easily at home (tho she would be a useful hot-water-bottle in the tent). Its funny how different dogs are isn't it? Noni is rediculously placid. I think it comes from being deaf - she is so used to not hearing things coming that nothing surprises her or worries her.Her only problem is that she sometimes gets snapped at by other dogs because she can't hear a warning growl. On the plus side, she doesn't have to listen to Amoret & I singing!
