The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25072   Message #291425
Posted By: Brendy
05-Sep-00 - 11:40 AM
Thread Name:
Subject: RE:
But what are people 'addicted' to?
The search for information?

Unless in a very few circumstances, I think, perhaps, not.

If not that, then a big one has to be the attraction of people to 'chat sites'
And the way I see it, if one cannot stay away from that form of internet usage, then whatever problem there is, is much more deep-seated, and internet addiction is only a symptom of a much larger whole.

I use the internet quite a lot in my ordinary day-to-day life; I'm lazy hoor, in a way, and only use the libraries, now when I have to. But if I was on a dial-up connection, I wouldn't use the net as much. It's nice to have it, but I could live without it also. Same way as I could live without a T.V., or electricity.

Addicts tend to forget about the cost of things when it comes to getting the fix, and if the results of one's internet activity show larger than 'normal' phone bills, then there should be at least a little yellow light flashing somewhere in the back of the mind, encouraging you to keep an eye on things.

I see a lot of people posting here from work.
I wouldn't look into the addiction 'thing' there too much, though; boredom can also be a factor. Plus the fact that they're not really paying the bill. Take those same people back to their homes, and quite a lot of them wouldn't use it as prolifically, I would think.

I don't know too much how bad the 'problem' is in 'the west', but here, in Norway, there has been a big uproar about the chat telephone lines; unwitting parents getting bills that take up the average month's wage, etc.

It's a new addiction, I suppose. But it has the potential to be as destructive as alcohol, heroin, gambling, smoking, etc. And the 'addict's brain' goes to work to adapt itself to it's new playground.

But not everyone who drinks alcohol, makes a flutter on the horses, etc. is an addict. But everybody who does (and indeed who doesn't), is a potential addict, IMO, and being aware of it's effects on oneself; financially and emotionally, can save your life, in the extreme cases.

Oddly enough, I haven't checked out too much of that link that you provided, Alice; I skimmed a bit. When I have more time, I will. But if it helps some people, well, I'm all for it. The pages can be saved off-line, no doubt.
