The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25072   Message #291430
Posted By: Brendy
05-Sep-00 - 11:49 AM
Thread Name:
Subject: RE:
Sorry. The first paragraph, or so was missing there. Don't know what happened.
Here's what went before:

An internet user is one thing, I think, Alice. An addict is another.

For example, in these days of 'always on', the internet is really just like another folder on the desktop.
While I'm sitting here 'working' at the computer; writing an article, song, etc.; if I need to reference something, normally I would have taken a trip down to the library, and located a few texts and spread them out in front of me.
Time consuming, I suppose, if you worry about that kind of thing. But I get much quicker 'results' by 'letting my fingers do the walking'.

That, I think, is a 'normal' use for the internet.....
