The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127384   Message #2914616
Posted By: mauvepink
26-May-10 - 10:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Some rape victims should take blame'- ??
Subject: RE: BS: 'Some rape victims should take blame'- ??
Whilst visiting a client this morning there was an interview taking place on "This Morning" with Phillip Schofield and two guests. I could not listen to all of it but was quite mortified to hear some of the woman's comments. Paul Scofield highlighted the suicides and lives that have been ruined through false and malicious allegations. She seemed blind spotted to this by her own agenda of not allowing anonimity.

I am more convinced than ever. The wrongs of the system against genuine victims will not be made right by allowing malicious allegations against alleged rapists to not be anonymous. It seems more than criminal and extremely cruel to put any innocent person through the ordeal of being exposed before any guilt is established. Where no guilt exists it is inhumane and as bad to that person's life as would be rape to anyone.

Justice and satisfaction will never come from making innocent people victims of callous and cruel crimes such rape and false allegations of rape. We really do need to consider both parties in the name of humanity. You can never give a falsely accused person their life back once you have trashed it. No amount of compensation and apology will put the wrongs right. No more than if a real rapist paid their victim compensation would take away the damage they had done to them. The two things are closely linked.

There has to be a way of doing this fairly whilst making prosecution of a genuine rapist less of a trial and ordeal for their victim.

