The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129753 Message #2915110
Posted By: Artful Codger
27-May-10 - 01:22 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Jones' Musical Party (Harry Clifton)
Subject: Tune Add: JONES' MUSICAL PARTY (ABCs)
ABC transcriptions You should be able to copy everything below this paragraph as a single multi-tune ABC file. Alternatively, separate at the dotted lines, making sure to retain a blank line after each tune. To create scores in PDF form, try using the ABC converters at or
X: 1 T: Jones' Musical Party (1) T: Verse 1 C: Written and sung by Harry Clifton. C: Arranged by Michael Hobson. S: Period sheet music published by Hopwood and Crew, serial number 1117 Z: by Artful Codger M: 3/4 L: 1/4 Q: 1/4=160 "Tempo di Valse" K: Bb % % First half B/ B/ | A ^G A | c G> A | F B2 | z z A | G G G | c c> B | w: Mrs_ Jones gave a mu-si-cal par-ty, And friends she in-vi-ted them A3- | A z F/ F/ | d (^c d) | e A> G | F d2- | d z d | w: all._ There was old Mr_ Bon-ner so hear-ty_ And d c> G | B A> F | B3- | B z F | F F F | G G G | w: young Mr_ Jen-kins so tall,_ And si-nging young La-dies they A B c | c B> F | F F F | G G G | A G A | B2 z | w: came by the do-zen, With half a crown co-pies tied up in a roll. % % Second half F F F | G G G | A B c | d B (B/c/) | d e> d | d c G | w: Hand-some Miss John-son, her bro-ther and cou-sin, And* Ban-ker who prates of his A G> A | B2 || B | A ^G A | c G> A | F B2 | z z (B/A/) | w: mu-si-cal soul. And ve-ry queer songs they were si-nging If* G G G | c c> B | A3- | A z F/ F/ | d ^c d | (e2 G) | w: I can re-mem-ber a few,_ As they are in my ears_ F d2 | z z d | d c> G | B A> F | B3- | B2 || w: ring-ing, I'll try and re-peat them to you_ % % Return to part A (for verse 1 only) omitted
%----------------------------------------------------------------- X: 2 T: Jones' Musical Party (2) T: Verse 2: "Oh would I were a bird" C: Words by Harry Clifton. Music by Charles Blamphin. Z: by Artful Codger M: 2/4 L: 1/8 Q: 1/4=120 K: Eb % % Oh would I were a bird B | e d c B | A3 F | d c B A | G2 z G | c B A G | w: "Oh would I were a bird," Now was not that ab-surd To hear a la-dy F F F> G | A> G A c | {=A}B2 z B | e d c B | A3 F | w: sing-ing, She would like to be a bird. How ve-ry strange to see, Her d c B A | G2 z G | F A A c | B3 =B | d/ d/ c A F/ F/ | w: perch'd u-pon a tree, And screw-ing up her mouth, To whis-tle some new me-lo- E3 z/ F/ | F B =A c | B3 z | G c =B d | c2 z c | c> c d e | w: dy Could she get a-ny rest Tuck'd up in a nest, And feed-ing on ca- e d d B | d c G A | B2-HB B/ B/ | e d c B | A3 F | w: na-ry seed And chick-weed of the best._ So I thought it so ab-surd, To d c B A | G2 z G | F A A c | B e e f | e d c d | e3 || w: wish she was a bird, But that was not the on-ly ve-ry fun-ny song I heard.
%----------------------------------------------------------------- X: 3 T: Jones' Musical Party (3) T: Verse 3: "Oh if I had someone to love me" C: Words by Harry Clifton. Music by Frederick Buckley? Z: by Artful Codger M: 6/8 L: 1/8 Q: 1/4=96 K: Eb % % Oh If I had someone to love me HB2 | c B G E D E | G F2-F (FE) | D F A c B A | G3-G G A | w: Oh if I had some-one to love me,_ I_ thought it would be a hard case._ If she c B G E D E | G F2-F z E | D F A c B D | E3 z2 G | w: e-ver found some-one to love her_ She made such a fun-ny gri-mace, She G G G G A G | G c2 z2 c | =B A G F E D | C3 z2 F | w: wan-ted some-one to share trou-ble, Their care to the winds she would fling And F F F F G F | F B2 z (=AG) | (FG) F C E> D | B,3-HB, (G_A) | w: change her from sin-gle to dou-ble So_ she_ con-ti-nued to sing_ Oh_ c B G E D E | G F2 z (FE) | D F A c B F | G3-G (GA) | w: if I had some-one to love me, I_ thought tho' it may be too bad_ If_ c B G E D E | (F c2) z Hd c | B E F (G{B}A) D | E3-E2 x || w: 'twould put an end to her sing-ing We'd be sa-tis-fied if_ she had._
%----------------------------------------------------------------- X: 4 T: Jones' Musical Party (4) T: Verse 4: "Oh! Jerusalem!" C: Existing comic song; origin unknown to transcriber Z: by Artful Codger M: 2/4 L: 1/8 Q: 1/4=120 K: Eb % % "Oh! Jerusalem!" |: LB2 z A | G> A B> G | F> G A> G | F> G A2 | w: Oh Je-ru-sa-lem! Je-ru-sa-lem! Je-ru-sa-lem! LB2 z A | G> A B> G | E> F G> E | (F2 E) z :| w: Oh Je-ru-sa-lem! the cos-ter-mon-ger's don-key.