The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126160   Message #2915615
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
27-May-10 - 06:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gardening 2010
Subject: RE: BS: Gardening 2010
Worms, bugs, things that eat up or curl leaves are making their presence known. Found lace bugs on the eggplant, not sure what else. Some worms on the okra. I have a bottle of BT I bought last year that has stayed in the fridge. I will replace it next time I'm over at my favorite feed store - I'm not sure how long this stays viable. I know if I bought it at the garden center near here theirs sits on shelves in an extremely warm room, and they probably don't throw out anything if it gets old. My regular place sells enough to have some product turnover.

Sounds like thunder, but the storms in the area are to the east. Not sure if we'll get anything tonight. I watered with the soaker hoses this morning.

It is lovely. Tomato plants over the top of the cages now, several fruits in sight. Peppers are putting out fruit, basil is almost big enough to start pinching off leaves for my cooking. Mmmmm!